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Recent Events


Securitization of Religion in post-Cold War America 

Conference on Racism, Antisemitism and the Radical Right. Yale University, New Haven, CT - September 10-11, 2017.

This two-day conference was co-sponsored by the Yale Center for the Study of Antisemitism and Yale’s Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration. The conference’s call for research papers, released on the YPSA’s website, received around 50 responses, six of which were accepted for presentation.

In an interview for Yale News, Dr. Shipoli said: “It is one of a few conferences in which extremism and racism and anti-Semitism are taken as an issue altogether, instead of divided. We finally understand that to be able to fight this new trend of extremism, we need to all come together and fight it together.”

Lobbying School I: advocacy and public relations

Istanbul Sehir University, October 23-26, 2014, Istanbul, TURKEY.


Lobbying School II: street smarts, communications and negotiations

Istanbul Sehir University, May 21-23, 2015, Istanbul, TURKEY.

Erdoan A. Shipoli is the co-founder of the first Lobbying School in Europe. After the first one on October 23 to 26, 2014 in Istanbul Sehir University, Istanbul, Turkey, the second Lobbying School is organized in May 21-23. He taught two workshops on being a Third Sider in a two-party dispute or negotiation; and on Construction of Political Issues.

The school aims to re-define the concept and the industry of lobbying to the Turkish and European audience, and as the first lobbying school it aims to training the participants on the tools of lobbying, that can be used in the business, political, and social life.

Balkan Politics 

Pizza and Balkan Politics. Loyola University, Chicago, IL - Balkan Club. November 11, 2016.

At this very energetic keynote speech on the recent situation of Balkan Politics, Dr. Shipoli spoke about the common problems of Balkan politics, namely corruption, crime, and hope(less)ness; while drawing attention to the potential that Balkan countries offer, namely tourism, youth, entrepreneurship, creativity, and natural resources.

He draw a parallel between pizza and Balkans, where every group (religious, ethnic, and social) present different ingredients, which give a very good taste when they come together. Nevertheless, when they come together there are inner and outer forces that want to cut and divide them. Finally, there are sauces (international forces), mild and hot, that are poured to change the taste of the Balkan politics.

Balkans is a geo-strategic region, and this is why all of the world powers want to increase their influence in the region. Sometimes this is good because the attention of the world powers i there, but sometimes Balkans become a battleground of great power politics.

Finally, Dr. Shipoli finished his speech by putting forward the potential that the Balkan region offers, political, social, and the lessons learned from the many years of conflict.

The Securitization of Islam in US foreign policy

Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. November 10, 2016.

This keynote speech was given to Muslim and non-Muslim students at Marquette University after the 2016 elections in the United States. 

The speech was focused on how "social realities" are constructed, and how there is a need to understand them, deconstruct them, and fact-check them before we believe them.

With a special case of how Islam was securitized in the US foreign policy in the past, Dr. Shipoli talked about the need to desecuritize Islam, and how everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims, should be careful on the moves of securitizing Islam or any other religion.

Many questions by the audience were around the newly elected administration, and Dr. Shipoli said that although America has a government tradition that will not have a very big change by administrations, it is up to Muslims to make strong alliances with others, and it is up to non-Muslims to be vigilant not only during this administration but during all of the administrations, everywhere in the world.

Securitization of Islam in US foreign policy after 9/11

Islamophobia: Has a tipping point been reached? UC Berkeley Boalt School of Law. April 22-23, 2016.

This paper will look at how Islam became a security target in US foreign policy. By becoming an “other” or the “opposite”, Islam became the first thing that comes to mind as an anti-thesis of American national security. Although the number and statistics don’t lead to any facts that Islam or even Muslim radicals are the biggest terrorist attackers in America, today many Americans believe that Islam and Muslims are the enemies of the United States. This has been constructed by the discourse of US foreign policy makers, who have targeted Islam as the “other”, after they have constructed a security atmosphere where religion was securitized. Keywords such as “crusades”, “clash of civilizations”; and questions such as “why do they hate us?” and “why do they hate democracy”; followed by answers such as “they hate us because of who we are” or “they hate the western style of life” have contributed to the securitization of Islam.

Democracy Promotion: Balkans vs. Middle East

Conference on Politics, Conflict, and Development. Virginia International University: Virginia. April 15-16, 2016.

From the end 20th to the present, the US promoted democracy and this responsibility is not questioned. The US has always followed the idea of democracy promotion abroad but was reluctant on ways to do it. With 9/11 terrorist attacks this has changed and the US changed its course to full engagement in democracy promotion. President Bush substituted American interests with ‘making the world a safer place for democracy’ when seeking support for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, which was the same discourse of Woodrow Wilson when asking support to replace the system of balance of power with the community of powers and organized peace. The US Democracy Promotion policy is wider than the Balkan and the Middle East regions and it is a grand US strategy deployed all around the world even today, but it has been implemented differently in different regions. Comparing the Balkans and the Middle East, this work will showcase two different engagement methods for democracy promotion, with two different outcomes.

Testing the Securitization Theory in Kosovo

21st Annual ASN World Convention. Association for the Study of Nationalities and the Harriman Institute at Columbia University. Columbia University: New York. April 14, 2016.

By analyzing the case of securitization of the Kosovo conflict, I aim to show the main differences between domestic and international securitization. It is clear in the domestic securitization as to who talks security and who categorizes the issues as such, but in the international arena these distinctions are blurred, and I aim to analyze the differences and the similarities between the actors and the elements of domestic securitization and international securitization.

NAPEC Globalization and Innovation Conference Chicago 2014

Hyatt Downtown, April 18, 2014, Chicago, IL, USA.

Erdoan A. Shipoli will be co-chairing the NAPEC Globalization and Innovation Conference on April 18, 2014 in Hyatt Hotel in Downtown, Chicago.

The conference aims to facilitate dialogue on key areas of conversation, including next generation technology, corporate responsibility, sustainability, bringing together industry leaders in major fields of business development and growth, to educate and inspire leading entrepreneurs, professionals, and students to use the latest strategies and technologies to grow and develop their businesses.

NAPEC SME Innovation for Sustainable Growth Conference 
Marriott East Side, April 12, 2014, New York, NY, USA.

Erdoan A. Shipoli will be co-chairing the NAPEC Innovation conference 2014, which is a leading conference for small and medium enterprise (SME) innovation for sustainable growth, showcasing leaders in business growth and development. This prestigious annual event brings together entrepreneurs, academics, students, international experts, business support organization representatives, stock exchange and financial institution executives, policy makers, and international agencies involved in small and medium-sized business development.


NAPEC Innovation conference 2014 has been designed to focus on the key areas SMEs need to invest in order to grow and sustain their business. Distinguished business leaders will convene to brainstorm some of the challenges related to business start-ups and best practices within the SME sector.

Leadership Workshop

Turgut Ozal Academy, Ankara, Turkey.

In May 25, 2013, Erdoan A. Shipoli will be conducting a workshop on Leadership to the high-IQ students of Turgut Ozal Academy in Ankara, Turkey. He will be talking about Leadership Skills and prepare a curriculum for a longer Leadership Program. Amon others Erdoan will be talking about the importance and the skills of debating, negotiating, leading, creativity, team-work, time management, and similar leadership skills.

NAPEC Innovation Conference
Hilton New York April 22, 2013, New York, USA.

Erdoan A. Shipoli will be co-chairing the NAPEC Innovation Conference on April 22, 2013 in Hilton Hotel in Manhattan, New York.

The NAPEC Innovation Conference is a premier networking event that brings together experts and pioneers in the field of innovation.  A major focus of  the conference is on innovation in business and finance.  The event will provide the opportunity for leading innovators to share ideas and opportunities with a wider professional audience.  Cutting edge innovations will be displayed and demonstrated.  It is the awareness of great ideas that a wider market can be reached.

Refining your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
Queens April 22, 2012, New York, USA.

Erdoan A. Shipoli will be giving a workshop on "Refining your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills" at the NAPEC Professional Development Workshops, on April 04, 2013 in Queens, New York.

The NAPEC PDW-s Equip young & experienced professionals alike with the tools necessary for success in any professional or business atmosphere.

NAPEC’s goal is to provide tools that will prepare individuals for challenges in their industries.

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Conversation on Balkans

Young Balkan Society, Istanbul, Turkey.

In February 27, 2013, Erdoan A. Shipoli will be giving a speech at the Young Balkan Society on the "General Culture, Business World, Entrepreneurship, and the Recent Political Situation in the Balkans". 

He will be discussing the recent happenings in the Balkans and the regional effects, in relation to Turkey and the global politics.

The Latest Developments in Kosovo

International Relations Studies of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey.

In December 22, 2012, Erdoan A. Shipoli will be giving a speech in a roundtable meeting with the members of the International Relations Studies of Turkey group, in Istanbul, Turkey.

He will be discussing the "Latest Developments in Kosovo", it effects in the region, Turkey, and the global politics.

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